New question in: 2008-10-25 23:00:00 GMT+01:00

04 October, 2007

(49) Even Higher Then Mount Everest !

Can you identify this mountain? Where is it located?

ANSWER: Olympus Mons on Mars / learn more...

4 answers:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Olympus Mons to me on Mars.

Anonymous said...

I need to run up my score early this month if I can since I will be away on a business trip for the last week of October. :)

Pam Hoffman said...

Rats! I knew this one - just found it later than techfun.

That guy is so smart...


Pam Hoffman

exQUIZZme ! said...

The answer is correct, tecfun! You intend to give the other players some space, huh? That's noble. :)