New question in: 2008-10-25 23:00:00 GMT+01:00

05 October, 2007

(50) Origins Of Band Names For 100

What band is named after the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band song from Magical Mystery Tour?

submitted by: Infonistacrat

7 answers:

Anonymous said...

Death Cab for Cutie

exQUIZZme ! said...

That's correct!

Pam Hoffman said...

How do you know all this stuff techfun? Sheesh... I had no clue as to this answer.


Pam Hoffman

Pam Hoffman said...

How do you know all this stuff techfun? Sheesh... I had no clue as to this answer.


Pam Hoffman

TechFun said...

Some stuff I just know from reading (have a near perfect memory for written material and photographs).

Other times the question tells you just wear to look. In this case, the track listing for the Magical Mystery Tour.

Anonymous said...

No, you need to watch MTV or equivalents a lot XD, it mentioned this on one of the death cab for cutie tracks here :P. Of course, you do need to watch MTV then :P.

Pam Hoffman said...

OH, are we allowed to look up stuff???

I'm just playing based on what I know.. which is not a lot and my memory isn't so 'near perfect' not even close!

If I can look up stuff - you are all in trouble! I'm a researching maven and the internet is my personal toybox!!!


Pam Hoffman