New question in: 2008-10-25 23:00:00 GMT+01:00

21 November, 2007

(126) Mr. Eiffel's Inspiration

Which part of human body inspired Gustave Eiffel to build his famous tower ?

ANSWER: The femur

3 answers:

Pam Hoffman said...

I've read about it being compared to a chair...

I think of a leg for it's form. Let's see what some more digging uncovers...

Ah, my google-fu is not so strong this evening.

Perhaps it will be better on the next question.


I go with leg, in the off chance that my WAG wins again!

Pam Hoffman

TechFun said...

The Femur

exQUIZZme ! said...

Pam, you were on the right track... it's femur. WD techfun!