New question in: 2008-10-25 23:00:00 GMT+01:00

16 October, 2007

(69) Before he was famous...

This is a sample of the early work of an American artist who went on to become one of the most famous artists of the late 20th century. Name the artist, his date of death, and the cause of death.

submitted by: techfun

ANSWER: Keith Haring, died in 1990 of an HIV (AIDS)-related disease.

5 answers:

jafabrit said...

wild guess because I can't heads nor tails of it, but is it Keith Haring.
Died 1990 (aids related)

Anonymous said...

Excellent work jafbrit, wonderful guess.

jafabrit said...

phew! thanks!

Pam Hoffman said...

I know I was clueless.... :)

Pam Hoffman

exQUIZZme ! said...

Nice job, jafabrit!