New question in: 2008-10-25 23:00:00 GMT+01:00

03 October, 2007

(44) The Noble Stranger

What chemical element gets its name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'?

ANSWER: Xenon, noble gas / learn more...

3 answers:

Echos Erita said...

the answer is Xenon, isn't it? xeno in Latin is stranger, that's why there's xenophobia, fear of strangers.

exQUIZZme ! said...

It is Xenon. Xeno(latin)/xenos(greek) does mean stranger, good analogy zang.

Echos Erita said...

it's just a play of words, really and it so happens i am hungry for English words. anyway, i don't know how am I scored for this, and how do I register here to get my points accumulated overtime?