(1) The first correct answer to any question scores 1 point (2) Winner of the month is the player with the most points in the current month period (3) Players can submit their own questions (and earn points)
October 2007 winner techfun Name: JD Thomas Age: 39 Location: Philadelphia, PA Home page: blog.techfun.org September 2007 winner techfun Name: JD Thomas Age: 39 Location: Philadelphia, PA Home page: blog.techfun.org
5 answers:
is it gravity, i wonder if that even is a mechanism, hehehe
Wrong answer. We're looking here for device, and gravity is a force - can you name the device ?
That's right. 1 point for techfun !
ooops, sorry for the wrong answer, it looks fun here, i am trying to figure the other answers to the other questions....^^this is a cool past time^^
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